Woodshop Library

WOODCARVING MADE EASY, by Cynthia Rogers, is a project book with an emphasis on perspective, which the author feels is the hardest lesson to learn. It contains simple instructions, beginning…

WOODCARVING MADE EASY, by Cynthia Rogers, is a project book with an emphasis on perspective, which the author feels is the hardest lesson to learn. It contains simple instructions, beginning with what tools to use, how to hold them, where to start, and how to keep them sharp. The projects included are designed to build skills as they are completed and do not address recessed backgrounds. The process includes the use of clay models from which measurements are taken to work from. The first two projects feature flower and leaf patterns. Then it's on to animals — rabbit, koala bear and tree frog. There are steps for finishing and three more advanced projects, which build on the skills from the previous projects. Patterns are provided, as well as a gallery of the author's work for inspiration. The 160-page softcover sells for $17.95. Contact: Sterling Publishing Co., 387 Park Ave. S., New York, NY10016-8810. Tel: 212-532-7160. www.sterlingpub.com

FINE DECORATIVE WOOD BOXES, by Andrew Crawford, is a reissue of a 1998 title, "Fine Decorative Boxes." It includes step-by-step instructions for building 10 projects, including a CD-ROM storage case, backgammon board, jewelry box and map box. The projects incorporate a great deal of veneer work, and there are lessons for veneering with or without a veneer press, inlaying and matching patterns. French polishing and other finishing techniques are also emphasized. Each project is accompanied by a measured drawing, step-by-step instructions and color photographs. The book closes with a gallery section, featuring work by top box makers from the United States and England. The 144-page softcover sells for $19.95. Contact: Sterling Publishing Co., 387 Park Ave. S., New York, NY10016-8810. Tel: 212-532-7160.

ARTS & CRAFTS FURNITURE, by Kevin P. Rodel and Jonathan Binzen, examines the American, British and European Arts & Crafts movements from roughly 1880 to 1910, focusing on the furniture designs. There are chapters on William Morris; the Cotswold region of central England; English architects and designers; Charles Rennie Mackintosh and the Glasgow style; the movement's supporters in continental Europe; Gustav Stickley and his brothers; mass production of the style in Grand Rapids, Mich.; Frank Lloyd Wright and The Prairie School; attempts to use Arts and Crafts ideas to achieve social reform; and American innovators of the style. The final chapter explores the movement's revival in the 1970s. Each chapter includes a gallery and the book offers more than 400 photographs, many from private collections. The 234-page hardcover sells for $45. Contact: Taunton Direct, 63 S. Main St., P.O. Box 5507, Newtown, CT06470-5507. Tel: 800-888-8286.