ACC Baltimore recognizes artists

Eight individuals, selected from more than 700 of the nation’s leading contemporary artists, earned Awards of Excellence at the American Craft Council Show in Baltimore, which was held Feb. 27…

Eight individuals, selected from more than 700 of the nation’s leading contemporary artists, earned Awards of Excellence at the American Craft Council Show in Baltimore, which was held Feb. 27 through March 1 at the Baltimore Convention Center.

Six awards were presented to artists whose overall body of exhibited work demonstrated the best understanding or interpretation of the elements of art and design, a mastery of materials and techniques, imagination, inventiveness and individuality, and aesthetic consistency. Additionally, two awards were bestowed for Best Booth Design, which emphasized excellence in the relationship between the artist’s work and their booth designs and displays.

The jurors were Elizabeth Agro, associate curator of American Modern and Contemporary Crafts and Decorative Arts at the Philadelphia Museum of Art, and Jacqueline T. Copeland, director of education and public programs at The Walters Art Museum in Baltimore.

The recipients were:

Jewelry, Metal: Jacob Albee of Burlington, Vt., and Emanuela Duca of Emanuela Duca Inc. in New York City.

Furniture and Lighting:  Peter Harrison of Lavassa in Middle Grove, N.Y.

Ceramics: Ani Kasten of Ani Kasten Ceramics in Takoma Park, Md.

Glass: Ian Kessler-Gowell of Burnsville, N.C.

Ceramics: Justin and Brooke Rothshank of Pittsburgh

Booth Design: John Dodd of John Dodd Studio in Canandaigua, N.Y., Ikuzi Teraki and Jeanne Bisson of Romulus Craft in Washington, Vt.

The American Craft Council is a national, nonprofit public educational organization with a mission to promote understanding and appreciation of contemporary American craft. For information, visit