AWI seminars focus on working smarter, more profitably

The Architectural Woodwork Institute is offering comprehensive courses for architectural woodworkers at its 2009 Spring Professional Development Seminars, scheduled for April 29-May 2 at the Harris Conference Center in Charlotte,…

The Architectural Woodwork Institute is offering comprehensive courses for architectural woodworkers at its 2009 Spring Professional Development Seminars, scheduled for April 29-May 2 at the Harris Conference Center in Charlotte, N.C.

The half- and full-day courses will assist architectural woodworkers in fine-tuning their operations to realize cost-efficiencies and maximize profits during economically challenging times when competition is intense.

Topics include Fundamentals and Advanced Project Management and Estimating; AutoCAD for Woodworkers; Contracts and Negotiations; and Employee Retention and Motivation. Rounding out the fee-based sessions are plant tours at Holzma U.S., Surface Products and Carocraft Cabinets, plus a real-time demonstration of a digital template system.

As a value-added program, AWI will conduct a quick, but comprehensive overview of the new Architectural Woodwork Standards, jointly developed by the AWI, Architectural Woodwork Manufacturers Association of Canada, and Woodwork Institute.

Other complimentary sessions included with registration are the Quality Certification Program 101, QCP Help Clinic, exhibitor showcase and a reception and tour at Biesse America.

The event is open to AWI members as well as non-members. For information, visit