Finalists selected for IWF Design Emphasis competition

From 75 entries, 48 finalists have been selected for the Design Emphasis student competition at IWF 2022, which will take place Aug. 23-26 in Atlanta.

Courtesy of IWF

From 75 entries, 48 finalists have been selected for the Design Emphasis student competition at IWF 2022, which will take place Aug. 23-26 in Atlanta.

Sponsored by IWF and its owners, the Wood Machinery Industry Association and the Wood Machinery Manufacturers of America, the Design Emphasis competition affords students a platform to demonstrate design skills and talent in an independent adjudication conducted by furniture industry designers, manufacturing and retail executives, and representatives from the design media community.

The finalists and their categories, grouped by the colleges and universities where they are enrolled, are:

Appalachian State University

Appalachian StateTyler Cook | Design Creativity
Huston Hamlin | Case Goods
Seth Hodges | Design Creativity
Jon Kannapell | Commercial/Office Furniture
Banner Knowles | Design Creativity
Seth Lawrence | Case Goods, Design Creativity, and Seating
Austin Liebgott | Accent Tables
Elaine Mansure | Case Goods
Austin Marion | Case Goods
Mia Martin | Accent Tables
Dylan Timoney | Commercial/Office Furniture and Seating
Asher Vasa | Case Goods

Art Center College of Design

Johannes (Shengyuan) Lu | Seating

Tomoki Nomura | Seating

Chelsea Cheung | Seating
Xiaorui Yin | Seating
Soojung Yoo | Commercial/Office Furniture
Yujia Zhong | Seating

Bucks County Community College

Sophia Goos | Case Goods

Buffalo State College

Liam Glynn | Case Goods
Litian Li | Accent Tables and Commercial/Office Furniture

California College of the Arts

Nathan Sheu | Design Creativity
Nicole Wong | Case Goods, Design Creativity, and Commercial/Office Furniture

Columbus College of Art and Design

Isabella Iguchi | Commercial/Office Furniture

Edinboro University of Pennsylvania

Ethan Urquhart | Design Creativity

Haywood Community College

Rebecca Juliette-Duex | Design Creativity
Daniel Robinson | Accent Tables and Seating
Amanda Yoder | Case Goods

Hennepin Technical College

Duncan MacLeslie | Accent Tables

Herron School of Art and Design

Cam McGookey | Accent Tables
Annie Sinchai | Case Goods
Lilly Tomandl | Accent Tables

James Madison University

Haroon Matties | Design Creativity
Alecia Munnings | Design Creativity
Mason O'Connor | Seating

University of Kansas

Hunter Locker | Accent Tables
Madison Schaefer | Accent Tables
Ella Spillman | Accent Tables

University of Kentucky

Taely Freeman | Seating

Vermont Wood Working School

Allen Audette Jr | Accent Tables