New band saw template guide from WoodPeckers

Woodpeckers presents the new SteadyCurve Band Saw Template Guide, a tool that follows a template for cutting just outside the lines on contoured projects.

Woodpeckers presents the new SteadyCurve Band Saw Template Guide, a tool that follows a template for cutting just outside the lines on contoured projects.

“If you work with profiled templates on your router table, SteadyCurve uses the same template to rough out the project on your band saw. Just fix your template to the stock one time and follow the template on the band saw just like you do on the router,” the company explains.

“SteadyCurve locks to your band saw table with a pair of MagSwitch clamps. Template followers are provided for both 1/8" and 1/4" blades. It keeps your band saw blade a set distance from the template (adjustable from 1/16" to 1/4"). When you’re done at the band saw and move to the router, you have a more uniform cut to make, which minimizes burning, improves tool life and speeds up the process.

“SteadyCurve works with all 12" and larger band saws with a cast iron or steel machine table. Two positions are provided to mount the template follower to accommodate various table sizes.”

It sells for $199.99 at