White oak is a hot commodity

Pricing for white oak (Quercus alba) has spiked in recent months due to high demand from all segments of the market, but particularly from the stave industry, according to lumber suppliers interviewed by Woodshop News.

White Oak

Pricing for white oak (Quercus alba) has spiked in recent months due to high demand from all segments of the market, but particularly from the stave industry, according to lumber suppliers interviewed by Woodshop News.

Dave Norman of Parkerville Wood Products, a retailer in Manchester, Conn., says his vendors in the wholesale market have warned that pricing is historically high for white oak. He’s also experiencing a somewhat limited supply, especially with stock thicker than 8/4 and longer than 12’.

“White oak’s still trending popular. That and walnut are still probably the most sought-after. White oak just spiked on us in price, depending on the thickness that we order from our vendors. It went up one to two dollars a board foot in the last month,” Norman said in March.

“All of our vendors are experiencing the same thing. We got told by our vendors as we started putting in orders to be careful, that the price is spiking, quantity is limited, that kind of deal. We can still get it, but the prices definitely went up, especially with anything extra wide or extra long.”

Paul Wentzell of Rex Lumber, a wholesaler in Acton, Mass., sees a direct correlation with increased prices and the stave market.

“The stave market remains extremely strong. It seems to be willing to pay more for the logs and it’s just continued. Then it’s still a popular species in the flooring and architectural millwork markets. It’s just a hot species every way around,” says Wentzell.

“The stave market will pay more for the logs, and the veneer market will pay more for the logs, and that’s having an effect on everything — price, lengths, widths, grades. Those buying saw logs can’t pay what the mills and the veneer suppliers pay. I think demand is just going to remain strong and we expect this trend to continue.”

“In the plain sawn white oak, the prices have spiked,” adds Tom Breen of Keiver-Willard Lumber, a wholesaler in Newburyport, Mass. “The rift and quartered were already a lot more than the plain sawn and they’ve gone up a little bit, but certainly not as sharply as the plain sliced. The plain sawn has really taken a big jump.

“I’ve read that the main reason for the increase in due to the demand in bourbon and whisky in recent years. The mills are scooping up as much white oak as they can, to the point where some distillers are buying forest land to help with the supply of white oak that they’re going to need for their barrels. I think it’s having a tremendous effect. Every load that comes in is more expensive.”

Retail pricing for 4/4 plain sawn white oak was quoted at $8.49/bf.

This article was originally published in the May 2024 issue.