Air-vac clamps

AIR-VAC-CLAMPS, from Her-Saf, offer mar-free holding of doors, countertops and large and small cabinet parts, while allowing complete access to the workpiece, according to the company. Using a custom jig,…

AIR-VAC-CLAMPS, from Her-Saf, offer mar-free holding of doors, countertops and large and small cabinet parts, while allowing complete access to the workpiece, according to the company.

Using a custom jig, these units can hold dimensional pieces stable while the piece is being worked on. The clamps are connected to compressed air for operation and are designed to be easily bolted into place to hold heavy awkward pieces or as part of a work pod, yet are light enough to be moved from job to job. Contact: Safranek Enterprises Inc. Tel: 800-553-9344

This article originally appeared in the February 2012 issue.