CMT bowl and tray kit

CMT BOWL AND TRAY KIT provides a method to make divided bowls and trays without using a lathe or CNC machine. The kit includes two templates, a bowl-and-tray router bit,…

CMT BOWL AND TRAY KIT provides a method to make divided bowls and trays without using a lathe or CNC machine. The kit includes two templates, a bowl-and-tray router bit, a collet extension, written instructions and an instructional DVD. The two templates allow the user to make a variety of shapes and styles of bowls and trays with a plunge router. The collet extension is used to make bowls up to 2-3/4" deep. The CMT Bowl and Tray Kit, model BTS-001, is priced at $99. Optional roundover bits for easing the corners on the top and bottom of the finished project are also available. Contact: CMT USA Inc., 7609 Bentley Rd., Suite D, Greensboro, NC 27409. Tel: 336-854-0201.

This article originally appeared in the March 2009 issue.