Forrest Woodworker II blades suit many tasks
Forrest Manufacturing Co. regularly hones its line of Woodworker II blades to suit a wide range of tasks, such as building cabinets and fine furniture.
Forrest Manufacturing Co. regularly hones its line of Woodworker II blades to suit a wide range of tasks, such as building cabinets and fine furniture.
Anthony Ferrato, the company’s marketing manager, says customers often call confused about what to order because there are so many choices.
“The 20-tooth Woodworker II rip blade is designed for fast speed, aggressive cuts, leaving a straight clean cut that’s not sanded smooth,” Ferrato explains.
It is available in 10” and 12” diameters with standard 1/8” kerf and thin kerf options. The standard 1/8” kerf 10” blade, WW10206125, sells for $105.
The 30-tooth Woodworker II is “our ripping blade for a sanded smooth edge,” says Ferrato. “So when you make the cut through 1” to 2” hardwoods like oak, maple, cherry and birch, it’s going to be polished and sanded like you ran it through a thickness planer and sanded it.”
Diameters range from 7-1/4” to 16”. The 10” 30-tooth model WW10307125 sells for $135.
“The 40-tooth Woodworker II is our claim to fame. It’s a combination-style blade for ripping and crosscutting plywoods and solids, thin hardwoods and softwoods. It’s a very versatile, general purpose blade for the table saw,” says Ferrato.
Blade diameters range from 5-3/8” through 16” and the 40-tooth is available with standard, thin and ultra-thin kerfs. The 10” blade, WW10407125, sells for $155.
Forrest recently added the 48-tooth Woodworker II. “It’s very similar to the 40-tooth. The only difference is it has 48 teeth and a 25-degree alternate top bevel which feeds easier, and it’s good with plywoods and veneers where you don’t have to go to an 80- or 60-tooth blade on a tablesaw application,” says Ferrato.
The 48-tooth blade is available in 10” and 12” diameters. The 10” model WW10487125 sells for $162.
All Forrest blades are tipped with corrosion-resistant, double-hard, C-4 submicron carbide for sharper edges and longer life. The blades are made in the U.S.A. and can be purchased directly from Forrest or through its authorized distributors.
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This article originally appeared in the December 2017 issue.